About Me

Velocity Parker



Velocity Parker is a California-based artist who received a B.A. in psychology and art (studio) from University of California, Riverside in 2022. She has shown her work at the Sweeney Art Gallery in Riverside, California in 2022. Additionally, she is a founding member of the artist collective, FSHCAKEZ.

She primarily works with acrylic paint, fiber, and video, but she does not limit herself to any one media. Parker constantly experiments with different techniques and materials to best suit the subject matter of the given piece. In her work, she explores personal, subjective experiences (including, but not limited to, aphantasia and her emotional state) by recreating and reimagining through abstraction. Abstraction allows her to express her ideas through texture, color, and gesture.

Parker’s art practice focuses on the process and the following analysis of the finished artwork. Her artworks start with an idea resulting in a loose thumbnail. She engages in a hands-on, trial-and-error approach in order to find the right feel and fit for what she wants to accomplish. Afterwards, Parker takes an analytical approach when interpreting her work by picking apart every detail and decision she made. As a result, she can determine the works’ true intent and further refine her voice.

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